

洗浴及美容沐浴香皂皂條-Zion Health, 古粘土天然皂月舞無香型6盎司(170克)

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Ancient clay soap contains more than 57 trace minerals in pure form.

An ancient Indian legend tells the tale of the new moon. One day, back when the sun & his sister, the Moon, still lived together in the East, the sun decided to go hunting. He was absent such a long time that his sister began to worry and went into the sky in search of her brother. She searched & searched but to no avail. Finally after 20 long days, he returned, bringing with him a bear he had shot. To this day, Moon still comes into the sky, traveling for 20 days in search of his missing brother. Then she dies, and 床的世界for four days nothing is seen of her. But she always returns to life & continues her search for 20 days more.

Zion Health, 古粘土天然皂,月舞,無香型,6盎司(170克)




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